This is a season of festivity in the world's one of the largest democracies. The ambience is filled with claims and offerings made by the wannabe PM of the nation. The ruling ones are engaged in highlighting their deeds of progress. The citizens are being entertained everyday by the clashes of views between the "big faces" of the concerned political parties. The news channels are bombarded with opinion polls, debates and discussions. The commercial breaks no more endorse soaps and shampoos. They have replaced younsters and villagers endorsing their leaders.
On the other hand, voters are encouraged by the NGOs to participate actively in this game changing scenario. Some even threaten to boycott the elections. Politicos are engaged to budge them. Malls and multiplexes are flooded with discounts and offers for the "inked fingers". Perhaps, the entire nation is concerned about the future like never before (not even during the anticipated disaster of 2012). Lanes of the towns are wrapped in the flexes and banners of the REPRESENTATIVES. Slum residents are greeted and gifted so frequently like never before. The hottest celebrity have come up with her own party and campaining with a green chilly and green attire. Chaotic situations arised from missing names in the final voters' list. What has compelled India to think differently?
The country has shown a rise in voting in all the phases. Everything has come to a stand still now. The umpire's decision is pending. All the eyes glued to May 16. Let's see who can break the ice.